Thursday, December 30, 2010

Italy video blog

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Location:Via Murata,Villadossola,Italia

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

On our way to Italy!

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Ready for Italy

I'm ready to leave for Italy tomorrow to play two shows with fabulous Caroline & The Treats! I'm done packing, and now I'm enjoying a midnight wiskey before I hit the sheets. I can't wait to get on stage again! It's been over a month since our last concert, and now I'm seriously cravin' some very bad behavin'.

The dates, towns and venues can be found on

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


The morning after Halloween, when Canadas best rock'n'roll band, Chixdiggit, had played the House Of Rock, and we had partied with the awsome boys and also Burlesque Queen Trixie Malicious all night, we had breakfast by the ocean here in Moss, Norway. And we tried to make the adventure unforgettable by forming a pyramid. For some reason. But the camera was set to the wrong mode... Good times!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The norwegian rock journalist, Roald Hansen, has announced his top 21 albums of 2010, and you bet'ya, Caroline & The Treats are on that list! It's in Norwegian, but I'll translate the main point to you; He actually thinks "Make Out With You" is one of the best songs Morten ever wrote! I guess we make songs together just as well as we make love... Heehee... Yeah, that was sticky ;) 

Anyway, here's what he says, in Norwegian: 
"CAROLINE AND THE TREATS sin ”Bad All Over” var ei av tre plater Morten Henriksen hadde fingrane sine i dette året. Og ”Make Out With You” er kanskje den beste låten mannen har laga. To minutt og 15 sekund rein nyting. Les om dei to andre platene, THE YUM YUMSog THE TWISTAROOS, i meldinga under."

Friday, December 17, 2010


It's friday night, oh yeah! I just got home from doing a whole bunch of errands, and now I'm enjoying a cold beer and a bag of potato chips, while listening to the pretty new and super cool podcast radio show "Jazzed Up And Bonkers"! It's super-duper! Most you have probably already guessed than I'm a huge fan of Travis Ramin, and some of you also know that he wrote the song "Wine Me, Dine Me" on Caroline & The Treats album "Bad All Over". Listen to it here: 

 Anyway, check out the podcast show here:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Caroline & The Treats are breaking news;)

Great article in VG (the biggest norwegian newspaper) today about Caroline & The Treats and our song Gimme Gimme Gimme which will be on the soundtrack of a big, new movie in Norway, called "Tomme Tønner". Good for us!

Here's the trailer:

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Here's a little rampage in Norwegian, regarding an article about Caroline & The Treats in the newspaper today. Bear with me ;) 

De som arbeider i desken til VG uteble nok fra klassens time på barneskolen, da man lærte at det egentlig ikke noe koselig å lage økenavn på hverandre.

Caroline & The Treats skal nemlig bidra med låta Gimme Gimme Gimme i Tomme Tønner 2, som har premiére i begynnelsen av Januar 2011. Naturligvis er vi glade for at VG ville skrive om dette, og du finner saken i dagens papirutgave. Dette er en gladsak for oss; vi er stolte av å bidra på soundtracket, og vi var spente på å slippe nyheten til media. Jeg fortalte det derfor kun til én journalist, som jeg stolte på, fordi han tidligere har gjengitt meg korrekt. Dette er en journalist som jeg ikke en gang trenger sitatsjekk fra, fordi han forholder seg til sannheten og sakens kjerne slik den faktisk er. Jeg lovte å holde saken eksklusivt for vg, og jeg ba også spesifikt om å slippe å se uttrykket "Porno-Caroline" på trykk, ettersom jeg ikke har spilt i en film på 2 år, og synes det er tåpelig å bruke et slikt uaktuelt økenavn når det er irrelevant for den aktuelle saken. Journalisten som jeg snakket med, vet jeg også at er for god for slikt.

Allikevel, så har altså VG-desken slått til igjen, i kjent, respektløs stil. "Porno-Caroline" står det med fete bokstaver i overskriften. Det er kanskje dumt å bli sinna for dette, for det er jo jobben deres å lage "catchy" overskrifter, men jeg blir rett og slett utrolig provosert. Dette er landets største avis, og de burde ha ørlite stolthet når det gjelder overskriftene sine. Hva har porno med låta vår i Tomme Tønner å gjøre? Navnet mitt er Caroline Andersen.

Jada, jeg er stolt av det jeg bidro med i pornobransjen, og også av den samfunnsdebatten rundt frihet og seksualitet som jeg var med på å få fart i. Men jeg jobber ikke med porno lenger. Det er et tilbakelagt eventyr. 

Dette er nemlig ikke første gang vg har lagd misvisende overskrifter på integritetens bekostning. Da jeg opptrådde på Storåsfestivalen for noen år tilbake, så gjorde jeg et langt og hyggelig profilintervju med en journalist fra vg. Vi hadde det veldig hyggelig, og helt på slutten av samtalen spurte hun meg " Kan man blir rik på porno?" Jeg tenkte at jøss, dette er jo et spesielt spørsmål, for alle vet jo at man kan bli rik i denne bransjen, som i alle andre bransjer, dersom man legger opp karieren strategisk.  Det var dog ikke hovedgrunnen til at jeg ønsket å utforske pornobransjen, for i så fall hadde jeg reist utenlands. Hun spurte om jeg hadde lyst til å bli millionær, noe jeg regner med at jeg, som de fleste andre, kunne tenke seg. Dagen etter, gledet jeg meg til å lese intervjuet i vg, der jeg følte at jeg hadde fått belyst mange viktige temaer. Overskriften deres var "Vil bli millionær på porno!" Da ble jeg veldig irritert. Jeg snakket med journalisten, og sa at jeg synes det var utrolig dårlig gjort, noe hun sa at hun forstod. Hun fortalte meg da at desken i utgangspunktet også hadde villet publisere ligningstallene mine fra året før, da jeg var student og levde på studielån, for å virkelig bidra til en real tabloid runk. Heldigvis hadde journalisten avverget det, og hun fikk forklart dem at disse ligningstallene var uten betydning i dagens situasjon, ettersom jeg den gang var student, og nå var selvstendig næringsdrivende.

Man kan jo ikke akkurat slutte å fortelle nyhetene sine til media, men jeg vil så gjerne plante inn noen stolthets-mikrochip i hjernen på deskarbeiderene til vg. De skulle hatt seg en omgang med min klasseforstander fra Snarøya Barneskole. Hun hadde satt dem på plass. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Gimme Gimme Gimme Music Video! Done shooting.

Caroline speaks in Norwegian, and Ole translates ;) YouTube Video
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

X-mas show at John Dee tonight with Vibeke Saugestad!

Tonight, it is time for Vibeke's annual christmas show at John Dee! And Ida and I are go-go dancers:)

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy birthday Silva!

The concert with Miss Chain and the Broken Heels last night was amazing! those of you who are going to the show at Revolver tonight are in for a real treat!! And today it is Silva's birthday!!! Party!

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Yeah!!! Our first 12" LP

Bad All Over is finally on vinyl!!! Rockin Bones in Italy is the label, and I received the test press today! Yippi!

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Location:Borgermester Aases Gate,,Norge

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy birthday Ole!

Yesterday, it was our drummer, Ole's, birthday and we celebrated with a Cava and Ramones afterparty. It was a Great party night, and the guys that work at Bastard is a wonderfull bunch! Great music library too. Cool night in Tromsø!

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The cleaning lady has great taste in music!

Of course she has "Bad All Over" with her when she's cleaning rooms here at the Viking Hotel in Tromsø.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bastard Bar is the coolest bar in Norway!

The atmosphere in this bar is fantastic, and I'm almost wetting my pants cause I'm so excited! Soundcheck is done and it sounds Superb;)

The bar girl Lorrie is also SUPER sweet! :)

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The papers in Tromsø are great! :) we're excited about tonight! Now, we're enjoying the famous burgers at Blårock before soundcheck at Bastard Bar.

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Ready to ho on on Vardø!

It's all sold out and we are liquered up and laquered down!

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Friday, November 12, 2010


Believe it or not, the other band is a "Heavy Joik" band! I Think they must be very good, cause they've been soundchecking for two hours;)

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We love Vardø!!!

Great trip, awsome dinner, Great people, and tickets are almost sold out! :) tonight is gonna be FUN! The Treats love Vardø!!!

Now, we enjoying a whiskey before soundcheck. Life is Good!

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Testing my new app!

I've been using the Shozu app, for blogging up untill now, but it just stopped working some weeks ago. So now, I am using the Blogpress app, and I think it's extremely functional and efficient! Yeah!

Here's a picture of me cooking, just to see if the picture upload works too :)

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Yup! This week, Caroline & The Treats are doing Norway, for once! For some reason we play a lot more abroad than we do here at home, but this week se are flying to three different Norwegian cities, to perform some exquisite conserts.

Thursday, Nov. 11th, we play in Trondheim at Familen w/ Sugar Louise 
Friday, Nov. 12th, we play in Vardø at the hotell that does the festival "Blues i Vintermørket".
Saturday, Nov. 13th, we play in Tromsø at Bastard Bar.

I am so excited about this! It's our first little tour in Norway, cause we only played around our hometown earlier. I can't wait to meet all the rock'n'roll people up north, 'cause I love the people in the north of Norway. They are just a lot more fun than most other people! They sure know how to party, and I think we're gonna hit it off just fine ;)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Caroline & The Treats at Rockefeller, Foto: Tove Forwald
It's been wonderfull to have Chixdiggit here for a week, and I've enjoyed their company tremendously! Now they've gone to Italy and I won't see them again in 7 days. Caroline And The Treats were luvky enough to play with them in Fredrikstad at Bryggetaker on Friday. We also played at Oslo Rock City Jamboree at Rockefeller on Saturday, something that was SUPERCOOL! I loved the huge stage! :) It was so much fun to have a lot of space to dance around and have fun in! It was also really cool to have our drummer Ole high up on the drum riser. I love to play the smaller clubs that we usually do, but I have to admit that I hope we can have more gigs on big stages like this also. 

Caroline & The Treats at Rockefeller, Foto: Tove Forwald
On Sunday, Chixdiggit and Kepi Ghoulie played at the House Of Rock, that is our living room. It was such AWSOME concerts! Kepi's set was magic and really got my blood pumping. When Chixdiggit continued the party, it all went through the roof, and it was the best Sunday I have ever had! And the best Halloween I ever had! The party continued after the shows were done, and we danced like crazy. In the middle of the night, Kepi found his accoustic guitar, and did an accoustic mini-sets for the 8-10 people that were still left at the party. It was SO magic, you won't believe it. He also convinced KJ to do the same, and the atmosphere was just to die for. Thinking back, I almost start to cry. Beacuse of all this, I actually forgot to take so many pictures from the party, but I think you can imagine what it was like. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


We're playing support for CHIXDIGGIT at Bryggetaket in Fredrikstad on Friday, and on Saturday we play at Oslo Rock City Jamboree at Rockefeller. We go on allready around 9 'o clock on saturday. Just so you know :) Hope to see you there! 


Chixdiggit are in Norway, and we are gonna have a hell of a week! They've got Kepi from the Groovie Ghoulies with them on bass, so there might a few Kepi Electric suprises as well! Here's the gig-list: 

Tuesday Oct. 26: Jacob's, Bergen
Wednesday Oct. 27: Fru Lundgren, Trondheim, Supp: Sugar Louise (NO)
Thursday Oct. 28: Elm Street, Oslo, Supp: The Twistaroos (NO)
Friday Oct. 29: Bryggetaket, Fredrikstad, Supp: Caroline And The Treats (NO)
Saturday Oct. 30: Bastard, Tromsø
Sunday Oct. 31: House Of Rock, Moss, with KEPI ELECTRIC

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pintjeswinkel / The PiWi

Caroline, Glenn, Morten , Kim and our cheerleader and merchgirl Ida :) Thank you PiWi for a really cool night Thursday!

The Solingen show was Also a lot of fun, with GREAT dj'ing from Lutz and his super girlfriend! only drawback that night was my fucked up throat and lack of voice. sounded like a crow, haha :)

Saturday, it was Stardumb Rumble time and this was of course an awsome experience! thank you Rotterdam and Stardumb!

Posted by ShoZu

Friday, October 15, 2010

Belgium is fucking fantastic!

Tonight we played at a really cool, little bar in Herenthout in Belgium. It was a really good crowd, and the mood was through the roof!There was crowdsurfing, police and very inappropriate behaviour ;) It's been a perfect tour so far!

Posted by ShoZu

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Yesterday was a blast! It was the first day of our minitour of Germany, Belgium and Rotterdam, and it was an excellent start! We flew in from Norway with Ryanair, enjoying Bloody Marys and pringles on the plane. In our Hertz rental car, we were happy to find that my iPhone TomTom gps works perfectly here, even if the dataroaming had to be turned off. Apple rocks, once again! And TomTom... What a pretty exciting life we do lead, right? 

Well... Allright, we arrived in Köln, had a few beers while waiting for the club to open, and then it was soundcheck time. Sonic Ballroom is a really cool club, with a great mood :) Morten had, of course been there before, with The Yum Yums several times, but the rest of us are Germany-virgins. Anyway, the show was a lot of fun! And luckily, it was possible to climb the bar, which we Norwegian girls love! I also think we have the hottest merch-girl in Europe:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Caroline And The Treats, and our new drummer-stand-in Captain Kim, is ready for our mini tour of Köln, Belgium (Herenthout), Solingen and the Stardumb Rumble in Rotterdam this week! We are SO ready to party!

Here are the dates and venues:
13 Oct 2010 Sonic Ballroom, Köln, Nordrhein, GERMANY
14 Oct 2010 De Pintjeswinkel / De Piwi, BELGIUM (Address: Markt 8, Herenthout)
15 Oct 2010 COBRA, Solingen, GERMANY
16 Oct 2010 STARDUMB RUMBLE at YourSpace, underneath the Hilton Hotel, R, NETHERLANDS

Hope to see some of you there!

PS. We rehearsed a special extra number just for you today :) Hint: Clap your hands and Bonnie...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Gig in Moss yesterday!

The gig in Moss yesterday was a lot of fun, and we had a great party! Very excited about Köln on wednesday! 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Norwegian video of Geir and me!

Geir er fin å ha når dagen blir lang!

Geir og jeg gjorde også en liten ekstrashoot, til alles felles beste, som forklart nedenfor: 

Posted by ShoZu

Photoshoot for a car magazine today;) Here's a video!

Working hard (at least a little bit... I did my own styling and everything!) on a Saturday! Just getting started, more stuff and sneakpeaks to come!
Posted by ShoZu

Friday, October 1, 2010


You see, we're warming up for our mini-tour of Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands (Stardumb Rumble, yeah!) that starts on October 13th. And we want you all to come party!

If you live near Oslo, come party with us at Last Train on Thursday October 7th!

You'll find the Facebook event here!

If you live near our hometown, Moss, come to Tivoli Kjeller'n on Saturday October 9th. See ya!

Check out our website here:


I wonder if this might be a good present for the guys at FHM ;) 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

At the hairdresser, Looking cool!

Finally, I'm getting my shabby hear done! About time! Also, it's great to have something to do to take my mind off missing Morten so insanely while he's touring Spain with The Twistaroos this week... Love the band, hate the tour;)

Posted by ShoZu

Organic Skin Care Bummer

I went to the pharmacy to get new skincare for my face. Last time, you see, I bought it all at a spa in Sweden, and it was all organic and supposed to be wonderfull. And quite pricey too, of course. These products were nothing more than ok, and the cleansing milk was just so thin, and it really didn't feel cleansing at all. Now, the moisturizer was empty, so it was a good excuse to buy new products! Which is always a great feeling! I went to the pharmacy to get some good quality and not too artificial products, and ended up buying everything from the new Botanic series, which is an in-house Boots-brand. It was supposed to be so natural and wonderfull, and I loved the idea! Very affordable too. Luckily, I put some moisturizer from the tester on my face before I left the store, and by the time I came home, my face had turned red, it burnt a little, and the cream felt like a layer on top of my skin. It sucked! So I took it all back! Is this organic stuff really all it's cracked up to be?

Posted by ShoZu

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


That's right. On the news-special, right after the sequence about Afghanistan, it was time for the butt-battle between FHM (men's magazine) and me. My point was, of course, that FHM should have seized their butt-off as an opportunity to embrace a wider variety of models than they usually do. Models that actually have an ass. Because, even if they say that they use normal girls, and even if they have had me on the cover, the fact that most of their models are superskinny, with higher morgages on their boobs than on their education, can't be escaped. I also wanted to say that I don't really mind, and neither does the women I feel that I speak for, the skinny plastic-woman, but this fenomanon has to be treated as a fetish, just as any other extremity. We love a lot of different fetishes, but we know to not let them dominate our lives. I also wanted to say that there are SO many kinds of super sexy girls and women, so why does FHM feel the need to be so single-minded, or should I say skinny-minded? They are a very powerfull institution, being one of the best-selling men's magazines in Norway, and they should use their power to show sexy women that strut! Skinny, medium and curvy! All kinds of sexy godesses!

Keep in mind, when I say "skinny" I don't mean anorectic, and when I say "curvy", I don't mean obese. I'm not trying to be too extreme here, so you men can keep your guard down ;) We want you to enjoy sexy women.

Well, I know this debate might have sounded pretty stupid right after the Afghanistan thing... And I was so afraid to sound like a whiney bitch. I'm really not a whiney bitch, except whem I'm PMS-ing, but it's so easy to sound negative, when you're supposed to be serious and have a sort of a feminist agenda. We all know how easy it is to pass those feminists off as bitches, right? Not fair really, but still... I was also afraid that my brain would turn completely blank as soon as the scary News-intro on the radio station started. And it sort of did... 

I have always despiced debating. I've done a lot of debating against old-school feminists and also against some religious folks. Usually, when I do normal radio or tv, I think it's fun and easy and wonderfull. But when it's serious stuff, like debates, I totally freak out. Even if I know all the answers and arguments on beforehand, and I could probably debate anyone, hanging upside down on a stripper's pole with 7 shots of tequila in my body, something just happens to me when it's a debate on radio or tv. Like today, even if I knew my opponent, the FHM guy, and he is a pretty nice guy, I just totally choked. This happens: I stutter, my mouth turns dry, and I forget just about every thought I've ever thought. And, of course, that sometimes makes sound a little dumb... Yes, it sucks. Well, luckily, some of my auto-pilot still works, and I manage to say a few smart things, but everything still feels so horrible! I'm not in touch with myself at all, and I feel like a huge failure! I hate it! This is why I've started to say no every time I'm asked to debate. 

Well, today, I felt that I had to say yes. I felt this way, 'cause nobody has really taken on this issue in Norway before, except for the boring, sourpuss feminists that are just too extreme. (There it is again, that self-righteous judgement... Yes, I do it too.) I thought it was about time that a hot, juicy girl stood up for the rest of us and put her foot down.  Cause we are pretty cool girls! We love men, and we like their magazines too. We love our femininity and sexuality.  Also, may I say; we are fairly frisky i the bedroom... And we have a lot of different types of bodies, from skinny to curvy and everything in between. What we have in common, is that we're all hot! So why does FHM feel the need to only display skinny girls? I don't know... This makes me sound as if I don't like skinny girls, and that is not true. They are beautifull, and my closest stripper colluege is actually a quite small girl with silicone boobs. ( And she is georgeos! And so am I. And so is SO many other girls, that have other kinds of bodies. Would it not be wonderfull if men's magazines could diplay naked women in an empowering manner that makes us admire the models in loving ways? In ways that inspires other women to explore and love themselves and play around with their sexuality and femininity? Oh, fuck me, it sounds fantastic! :) Diversity is divine! 

PS. And just so you know: I would NEVER want to take away pictures of naked girls in men's magazines. Naked girls rock! 

Sunday, September 26, 2010


So, the Norwegian issue of FHM (For Him Magazine) has rated the ten best asses in the country. Of course, I totally disagree in with them. I like FHM, the magazine, I do. They are funny and cute, and they put me on the cover in June 2010, so of course I like them ;) No offense! But, I deffinately disagree with them ass-wise. Well, I have to admit, there were two really great asses on their list, belonging to Triana Iglesias and Mira Craig. Here are pics, just so you know what kind of behinds I'm talking about:

Pretty awsome asses, huh? Whatever, the point is, the girls that FHM put in first and second place, made me loose my jaw. Yes, they were beautifull girls, absolutely, with cute and nice little tushes, but seriously... When it comes to hot, juicy asses, I thought we all agreed that it's nice with a little "cushion for the pushin'" so to speak... ;) As an ass-lover, I really gotta put my foot down here. These are simply not Norway's greatest asses. Okay, some may think so, but if you think these are Norway's best butts, I suspect you're not an ass-person. Any opinions? Here's the screenshot of the FHM-spread: 

Doable derriére, yes, but no sigar. No. What do you say? Wanna have an ass-off? :) If you wanna contribute, please send your pic to, and I'll post them all here on my blog! They don't have to be proffessional. Just be you!  I'd hate for my fellow females around to think that this is what their ass should look like. Asses are best when they look like asses! :) 

Of course, I made a little ass-collage of my own backside! 

I promise you, you won't hurt yourself if you bump into my cushion ;) 

I really don't wanna hurt the winner's feelings, cause I deffinately think she's a really sweet model. I hope she understands that this is more of a general protest against the "boney bum" syndrome, than an attack on her personally. Of course, it's okay to have a boney bum, if that's how you were born, but if you have a juicy ass, then you should be so very, very happy about it! I love a good ass!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Smart puking

So, I felt so exhausted (not just "tired-exhausted", but "crying for every fucking little thing-exhausted") today, that I stayed home, instead of going to the Twistaroos gig with Morten (who plays guitar and "co-sings" in The Twistaroos). He had taken the car, and, exhausted as I was, I didn't feel like walking to the store. Even though I was a bit bummed (eh... quite angry with the entire world, actually) about not having dark chocolate in the house, I settled for ordering chinese. The food came, and I ate happily. Untill an hour later, when I started barfing like a pig... Haha! I told you I felt bad, and had a plausible reason for staying home. A couple of hours later, when I had "returned to myself", and was not lying on the bathroomfloor hugging the toilet, I got SO, SO hungry! As I had been barfing litres, naturally my stomach was all empty. I decided to take my bike and my dog and ride down to the gas station to get pizza. But as I got up, I found myself standing there in nothing but a T-shirt. Where the hell were my panties? Well, I found them on my head. I turned out, that, in the middle of the puking, I'd actually had the sense to take off my panties and put them in my hair to keep my hair clear of vomit. Now, is that a good girl, or what?

Now, I am loaded with pizza, dark chocolate and chocolate ice cream, and I'm ready to have a party! The panties are going back on my head!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Brutally awakened by Jehovas witnesses...

Was just brutally awakened by Jehovas witnesses on my door! What Are they thinking? Don't they do ANY research?

They asked if I wanted to know what God was thinking when humans feel injustice... or something like that. Well, I already believe in all the religions, so no thank you, no booklet for me. I'll just give few of the Gods a call on my own.

I wanted to tell them that I believe in myself and the creative force that lives within all humans, but I just didn't feel like discussing This with them.

Well at least, I got to show off my pink robe;)
Posted by ShoZu

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I morgen, fredag 24. Oktober, spiller The Twistaroos på Soria Moria i Oslo! Der lønner det seg å være, for det blir garasje-rock'n'roll-sould-r'n'b-fest til tusen! Jeg skal i alle fall dit! :) 

Sjekk Facebook-eventen her:


Tomorrow, Friday Oct. 24th, The Twistaroos are playing at Soria Moria in Oslo! It's gonna be a hell of a dance party! Be there, og be an idiot. ;) 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010